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Creator and editor-in-chief of the História da Ditadura website. Historian. Postdoctoral fellow at PPG in History at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), PhD in Social History at UFRJ, with an internship at the Institut des hautes études de ;Amérique latine (IHEAL / University Paris 3). He is the author of the books “Catholic bishops and the Brazilian military dictatorship: the vision of espionage” (Record, 2014) and “Liberty under surveillance: the relationship between the Brazilian military dictatorship and the French government - from coup to amnesty” (Record, 2019). He was a researcher at the National Truth Commission and professor of History of Republican Brazil at the UFF.
PhD in History from the Sorbonne Nouvelle University - Paris 3 (Institute of High Studies on Latin America IHEAL-CREDA) and from the University of São Paulo. Her thesis was dedicated to the graphic humor published during the Brazilian military regime. She is vice president of the Association for Research on Brazil in Europe (ARBRE) and member of RED.Br (European Network for Democracy in Brazil).
PhD in co-supervision by the Universidade Federal da Bahia and the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela and integrated researcher at CHAM-Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He is a founder, editor-in-chief and member of the Editorial Board of the Iberoamérica Social magazine-network.
Graduated and master in History at PUC-Rio and PhD student in Sociology at IESP/UERJ, where he studies the political disputes between victims, military and state institutions in the construction of memory and reparation policies about the Brazilian dictatorship. He was a researcher at the Rio de Janeiro State Truth Commission. He is a teacher of History of basic education in public schooling.
PhD in History from Universidade Federal Fluminense, with an internship at Université Paris Nanterre, she is currently an ATER professor at Jean Moulin University (France) and vice president of the Association pour la Recherche sur le Brésil en Europe (ARBRE). She published the books “History and Historiography of Brasil República”, with historian Fernanda Haag; “Did the old woman devour the girl? Rachel de Queiroz and politics in Brazil (1910-1964)”, and “Rule and Exception: Rachel de Queiroz and the Brazilian literary field”.
PhD student in History with a specialization in History of Discoveries and Portuguese Expansion at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Invited researcher at the CHAM- Humanities Center of the same institution. She is part of the RISE Marie Skłodowska- Curie “Resistance. Rebellion and Resistance in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th centuries”. She has studied the sexual offenses of civil and ecclesiastical authorities and also the abuses of the male clergy of the Spanish Crown during the colonial period. Currently, she is developing her doctoral project on the female agency before the Courts of Justice in the context of Iberian cultures during the 16th and 17th centuries.
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