5th WEEK:
Silvia Capanema
The Brazilian professor Silvia Capanema talks about "Slavery society, racism and anti-racism in Brazil: a historical perspective and some Atlantic comparisons". She is a historian of contemporary Brazil and Latin America, an adjunct professor in Brazilian civilization at the University of Paris 13-Sorbonne Paris Nord and a researcher in Pléiade (Campus Condorcet). She specializes in the themes of race, slavery, Republic and citizenship. She is a founding member of ARBRE and also Conseillère départementale de Seine-Saint-Denis (France).
Bruno Silva
The Brazilian professor Bruno Silva talks about "Ideas of race and racism in colonial America". He is graduated (2007), master (2011) and PhD (2015) in History at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), with a doctoral internship at the University of Texas (USA). He is currently professor of History of America at the Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará (UNIFESSPA). Member of the National Association of History Researchers and Teachers of the Americas (ANPHLAC). Author of: Mazombas genealogies: Portuguese-Brazilian castes in colonial chronicles (Eduff, 2016), organizer of Printed past: studies on the circulation of ideas - 17th-20th centuries (CRV, 2018) and author of The colours of the New World (Lisbon International Press, 2020).
Matthias Assunção
The Turkish teacher Matthias Röhrig Assunção talks about "Contemporary capoeira in Rio de Janeiro, 1948-1982". He has been a professor at the University of Essex (United Kingdom) since 1993. From 1985 to 1992, he taught History of America at the Freie Universität in Berlin. He was a visiting professor at several Brazilian universities (UFMA, USP, UFRJ and UFF). Since 2007, he is an associate researcher at the Laboratory of Oral History and Image (LABHOI) and at the Research Center for Cultural History (NUPEHC), both located at UFF. Researches the history of capoeira, seeking to understand the development of combat games in the Black Atlantic and how they are related to the construction of masculinity in popular culture.
Julio Tavares
The Brazilian professor Julio Tavares talks about "What does the pandemic reveal for Social Sciences and Brazilian society?" He is a full professor in the Department of Anthropology at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) in Niterói, director of the Laboratory of Ethnography and Studies in Communication, Culture and Cognition. He holds a PhD in Anthropology - University of Texas at Austin (1998) and Rockefeller Post-doctoral fellow at the Center for Black Music Research, in Chicago (2001). Visiting Professor at Universidad Andina Simón Bolivar in the Doctoral Program in Cultural Studies. Participates in the Advisory Board of ASWAD (Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora).
Debate with the participation of Mônica Cunha (Movimento Muleque) and Bárbara Machado (UFF).
Moderation Lucas Pedretti.